Site Assessment
If you have a site or land to develop, it is crucial that the site is assessed to consider the planning policy and to assess any constraints which may impact upon your desired outcome. Based on site assessment, the feasibility and viability of a project can be reviewed and we can develop solutions and consider alternatives to overcome constraints. Once complete, a strategy on how to proceed is proposed: either preparing a pre-application or planning application.
Pre-application work involves developing a planning and design solution and bringing together a project team where needed. Here we can provide concept design solutions, establish key planning arguments and undertake consultations with key stakeholders including planning authorities.
Planning Applications
The content is determined by the complexity and constraints of the site, planning policy, the nature of the development, in addition to local and national validation requirements. The planning work undertaken includes but is not limited to the production of:
Planning Statements
Planning Drawings & Plans
Design & Access Statements
Heritage Statements
Landscape Impact Assessments
Viability Assessments

One Stop Solution
We offer a complete one stop planning, design & project management package encompassing all of the above services in addition to condition release work.
With our project partners we can provide Building Control Plans, constructional costings and even a full construction management package to deliver an approved scheme. ​An ideal approach for Self and Custom Builders.

Prior Approval Regulations provide scope for new dwellings to be converted from agricultural buildings and business premises without needing planning permission.
​However, a formal submission including plans is required to justify the proposal according to the legislation. ​We assess sites and buildings to produce and submit detailed plans and supporting statements to bring forward suitable developments.
Listed Buildings
Both the interior and exterior of Listed Buildings are protected.
​We can assist you with gaining the relevant permissions to refurbish, extend, convert or enhance your building as well as developing new buildings in the grounds so as to ensure minimum harm to the setting and heritage asset.
We also help where work has been undertaken without having the proper consents in place, an issue which frequently goes unnoticed until the time comes to sell. We can review homes to ascertain which changes would need consent and then make the relevant submissions.

Permitted Development
Homeowners should be aware that there are projects which may not need planning permission. Extensions and outbuildings can be permitted development subject to the dwelling, proposal and the site meeting specific criteria.
We can assess your home against the legislation and advise on the best options to create more space or additions such as a garden office or studio. We produce the plans and supporting material needed for a Lawful Development Certificate.
A Lawful Development Certificate is used to demonstrate that the works proposed are permitted development. The paperwork is needed if you ever decide to sell.